Here is my first BOH...
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Bottles of Hope
Here is my first BOH...
Friday, July 25, 2008
As usual, I'll be sitting right in front of my pc browsing through ETSY just to check out what others has to offer. There are so many talented artist out there doing all sort of amazing things -- HANDMADE!! I need to feed my brain with inspirations and ETSY is one of the place to go to. Sometimes I ended up shopping a bit too, lol.
Here are 2 shops which I came across and would like to share:


Thursday, July 24, 2008
PEACOCK Focal Pendants Sneak Peek''
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
From My Studio This Week (Part 2)

"TANNATOO" - Turtle No. 29
From My Studio This Week (Part 1)

This lovely piece was created by chance. I was running several colors of clay through my pasta machine and boom -- my eyes was caught on the pretty color stripes. So after twisting and shaping here and there, I got a shape which I am finally happy with. Next, what to do with it? Staring at my containers of beads and pearls for quite a while, the idea of making a bouquet pop right up. So I sculpted the flowers and leaves, added a couple of neutral color freshwater pearls -- wahlah! A masterpiece!
Friday, July 11, 2008
PCAGOE AUG 2008 It's Show Time Challenge
I made this today for PCAGOE August Challenge. When I found out what the theme was, I knew for sure it has to be the movie "Dragonheart" - the Best Dragon movie ever made!! And of course, partly because I like Sean Connery (though you won't see him in person in the movie) whom gave the dragon the perfect voice!
For this piece, I named him DRACO as in the movie. He is a focal pendant, hand-sculpted using Premo Polymer Clay. He has a pair of hematite eyes and embellished with genuine fresh water pearl and fancy Czech glass beads. The red Swarovski crystal bead (which makes the heart) forms an accent to the piece. I finished it with a layer of satin glaze. As usual for my drakon piece the stringing hole is hidden through the wings, horizontally. DRACO measures approx. 2-1/2” long from the tip of the wing to the end of the body and 2” Wide.
Drakon DRACO will be available for sale at my etsy shop... soon.
To vote for your favorite entry and maybe win a fabulous prize pack, visit between August 1st to 3rd! Click on VIEWSLIDESHOW for easy viewing with entries descriptions.

My favorite quote from DRACO in the movie:
"I mainly chewed in self-defense. I didn't swallow."First Custom Order - Dachshund BAILEY
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I got an "F" !!!
Currently there is a collaborative alphabet project going on at PCAGOE and I was assigned with the letter "F". I can't wait to get my hands on it... so here is my masterpiece!
This is so exciting! I am looking forward to see how the final project turn out after assembling. It will be donated, where to?? To be advised. Stay tune! ;)
Friday, July 4, 2008
Today (should I say yesterday since it's past midnight now) I planned working with the Magic Transfer Paper samples which I have received couple days ago (thanks to ilysa). Somehow I just had something else in my mind. My wedding anniversary is on the 5th so following my heart I feel like making "HEART". Again this was my first attempt as I have long wanted to give it a try after seeing all the lovely creations by other polymer clay artists but usually I just don't have the right MOOD to do it.
Thursday, July 3, 2008

More views:
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Back in Business!!
Moving back to Singapore
Yes, I am going home... I will miss Hobby Lobby and Michaels' a lot! Hope I will have the time to continue claying 🙌
This has nothing to do with polymer clay... but I have incorporated the skills and techniques used when working with clay in the following w...
Donna Kato's work are fabulous and I love all her works! This is another project I was working on since last week - BUTTERFLY ! It is ve...
I was back to Singapore in March for visiting and saw a new clay shop in town. Immediately I fall in love with the critters and itsy-bitsy ...