Again, this was my first attempt and the peacock feather cane turned out (almost) the way I wanted. I will be using it for my next Birds' Collection.
FACTS: I love canes but hate the cane-reducing process. Although I found good tutorials on reducing cane but it requires a lot of efforts, patients and practices to master it. Due to my LOVE for canes I had to keep challenging myself... for the sake of art. (lol)
This lovely piece was created by chance. I was running several colors of clay through my pasta machine and boom -- my eyes was caught on the pretty color stripes. So after twisting and shaping here and there, I got a shape which I am finally happy with. Next, what to do with it? Staring at my containers of beads and pearls for quite a while, the idea of making a bouquet pop right up. So I sculpted the flowers and leaves, added a couple of neutral color freshwater pearls -- wahlah! A masterpiece!
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